The January chill, and a few storms, have been with us this week to go with our coldest places theme for this month 🌬️. It’s a good thing we had plenty of activities to do to keep us busy and warm. As well as learning some more about the world’s frozen poles everyone has been jumping, balancing, catching in Move and Play, building obstacle courses to navigate and more. With a flash of sunshine we were out in the woods checking on our stick house to see if it had blown away and of course a spot of tree climbing.

Later in the week we caught up with our stick insect friends Stephen and Poppy to make sure they hadn’t turned to popsicles 🥶 and got our dancing shoes on for our first ‘Footloose Friday’ of the year 💃🕺.. check out this week’s video to see why everyone was so out of puff at pick up 😮‍💨😄.

A new month and a new theme incoming, see everyone on Monday! 🌲😊